Doc Best of Opposite Sex IWCC Quebec Regional Specialty 2007 , May 26 2007, with 70 IW's entered, under breeder/judge Nancy King Aiken , handled by Louise Kearns

Also Best Hindquarters. Judges critique:- " In a class 6 adult females and two males he is the only hound with the correct structure. In the sight hound breeds they should have hip structure of a trapezoid. This allows the hindquarters
to bend under the body and forward with the back legs passing the rib cage This shape also frees the muscles of the upper and lower back legs free for the movement they require. Because # 59 has trapezoid hip structure he has good hindquarters"

Doc with Louise accepting the BOS Rosette. Here you can see why he also won Best Hindquarters.

Doc and Louise going for it!!!!

Doc at the IWCC National Specialty September 16, 2007 with Sarah Freedman