red wheaten male born March 9, 1988

 pictured at 4&1/2 years

Sire: Can.Ch. Aotearoa Hokioi       Dam. Can.Ch. Emrys Beware the Ides

     Breeder: Lois A.  Freedman

 Owner: Barbara  N Daley

       Quite happy with my grey and red brindles I did not want a red wheaten, or any wheaten for that matter. But I did want a Hoki son from a quality outcross bitch, so I was thrilled when Lois Freedman decided to breed her Gabbe (Can.Ch, Emrys beware the Ides) to Hoki. This was just what I had been waiting for,a top quality bitch, closely bred on of the all time greats in the breed,
Am.Ch. Wild Isle Warlock, who had produced well for others when bred to bitches of similar backgrounds to Hoki.
      What a love match it was!  I was sleeping with Aotearoa Hengia, (Hoki's litter sister) and her new litter at the time Gabbe came to be bred. She never took her eyes off Hoki from the moment she stepped in the door, and serenaded him all night from the security of her pen.  " Now you know why we call her Gabbe" said Lois' husband Norman when I called to say she was ready to go home. Luckily we live in these secluded Gatineau Hills, Quebec, just North of Ottawa, as things have seldom been quiet here for long since this fateful breeding.
There were only 2 males in Gabbe's small litter of 5. The girls were all red brindles. Thought he was a fine, strong healthy young fellow, I was a bit disappointed with him when I first brought him home. He didn't even have dark ears, something I considered essential, especially on light coloured dogs. I had observed that self coloured ears usually went with lack of pigment, and a generally "washed out" look. As it turned out I need not have worried as his ears quickly darkened, and his jet black "mascara" was a trademark he passed on to his progeny.
At 6 months he still did not look particularly exciting, but by 10 months of age when he won his first Group at a Sanction Match I knew I had something really special, and I'd be foolish to hold his colour against him. He won his second Group en route to his Championship at 17 months of age in his first of 4 consecutive years in the Top 10 in Canada. The following year he was # 5, the next # 2, and in 1992 he made it to the #1 spot with an all time record number of total points. He won Best of breed at 5 Sighthound Specialties, QUEON  twice, CASA twice, and the OSA in 1993. He celebrated hi fifth birthday in 1993 by gaining his American Championship in one weekend in Syracuse, NY with 3 consecutive 5 point majors, Best of Winners, Best of Winners, and on the 3rd day best of Breed over American Champions. He was always owner handled, which to me was the biggest thrill, doing it as a team. I consider it a  great privilege to have owned and shown such a hound, He was a credit to his ancestors and their breeders.
It is very gratifying he was so popular at stud. I never actually kept count of his Champion progeny. Some that stand out in my memory are Ch. Alano Aisling, who succeeded him as #1 IW in Canada in 1993, owner handled by her breeder Gail Royer, from first Irish Wolfhound litter, and her brother my own Can.Ch. Alano Aotearoa Huhu, the next in  the male line here at AOTEAROA. Another is my own beloved "lady white stockings", Can. Ch. Aotearoa Moana, who after raising 2 fine litters, and surviving my only case of torsion at 4 &1/2 years of age went on to win the Veteran Bitch class at both National Specialties in North America in 1998.
Best of all, Ira's legacy lives on to the present day in the breed programs of other kennels as well as my own. Ira and his descendants have achieved the #1 Irish Wolfhound in Canada in 4 of the past 9 years. Himself , Can.Am.Ch. Aoteraoa Irawaru of Emrys in 1992, his daughter Abby (Can.Ch. Alano Aisling in 1993, his great grand daughter  Can.Ch. Maude D'Hemmingford in 1999, and his great grand son Can.Int.Ch. Loyalties Finn MacCoomal in 2001.
Barbara Daley,
Aotearoa Perm. Reg'd. 1970