Can.Ch. Ballycastle Aotearoa Rata

born 01 July, 1977


Sire:- Can.Ch. Imperial Baron (#1 IW in Canada 1975 & 1976)             

Dam:- Can.Ch. Ballycastle Kate of Elmbrae

    While feeling rather depressed after failing in my second attempt to breed Hina to Baron, Irwin Levy of Montreal, who had just had a nice litter of 8 born to his Katie sired by Baron, suggested I take a puppy from his litter to cheer me up. So, I thought  why not? I liked Baron enough to breed Hina to him, and his Katie was one of the many fine Elmbrae hounds bred by Lucetta Kelly of Nova Scotia that have gone on to become the foundation  of many successful Canadian Kennels.  Irwin thought I should take the spectacular red male who definitely stood out in the litter, but I feel in love with a sweet faced brindle girl, who was also most appealing in many other ways. So, I ended up taking them both home, and we co-owned them. He became Can. Ch. Ballycastle Aotearoa Maui, and she became Can.Ch. Ballycastle Aotearoa Rata, my foundation bitch at last!
    Both Rata and Maui finished easily, Maui with Group placements, and Rata with some nice Specialty wins including first in Open Bitches at the IWCA Specialty 1980, and Best Canadian Bred in Show IWCC Specialty 1983. 
    From Rata's litter of 8 sired by Multi BISS Magmellan Fitzwilliam Avoca came my first homebred male Waru Aotearoa Aorangi (Socks), and Ono Aotearoa Akatea ( called Florrie, because she had such a Sulhamstead look about her). From Florrrie's only litter sired by Avoca Kilklancy came the Danaco Folie and Danaco Morgan, who became the foundation bitches for two successful Canadian kennels, Demage and Belleghuan.
Barbara Daley
Aotearoa Perm. Reg'd. 1970