2005 Updates


Winner's Dog IWANE Specialty July 31/August 1 2005 over 54 dogs in Regular Classes and out to the last cut of 7 dogs for Best of Breed in an  entry of 163  IW's.  Judge Mrs. Jean Malley, "Ainsea" England.

and Best Head


and Best Stud Dog, with son Can.Ch. Aotearoa Emrys Meriadoc (dam:- Can.Ch. Aotearoa Mata Hari at Emrys, "Mati") & daughter Can.Ch. Aotearoa Kui's Kotiro (dam:- Can.Ch. Aotearoa Mangu Kui)


Best Head IWCC National Specialty September 17 & 18 2005, winning my own AOTEAROA Trophy.Judge Gretchen Bernardi, "Berwyck"  USA


Best Stud Dog IWADV Specialty October 9 & 10 2005 with son Doc, Can.Ch. Aotearoa Emrys Meriadoc and daughter Can.Ch. Aotearoa Kui's Kotiro.  Judge Per Lundstrom, "Greirish" Sweden